"Et afsluttet hele": Informationsforståelser i Illustreret Tidende 1859-1924

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I denne artikel undersøger forfatteren med udgangspunkt i retorisk genreteori, hvordan skiftende redaktioner af ugebladet Illustreret Tidende forstod information, og hvordan disse skiftende informationsforståelser kom til udtryk i bladet. Illustreret Tidende var en dansk pendant til Illustrated London News og udkom i perioden 1859-1924, hvor mediebilledet undergik store forandringer. Den første redaktion påberåbte sig en forståelse af et hastigt skiftende nyhedsbillede i dagspressen, der efterlod læsere forvirrede. Med formuleringen om et afsluttet hele skabtes et forestillet behov for information; at det var muligt at skabe overblik i malstrømmen af begivenheder gennem formidling af information og med brug af illustrationer. I artiklen benyttes en genreteoretisk analyse af genrer som den fremspirende billedreportage og det analyseres, hvordan forskellige genrer formede information om politiske nyheder. I disse analyser præsenterer artiklen, hvordan der er brud mellem en forståelse af information som objektive fakta og en forståelse af information som udtryk for personlige holdninger og vurderinger. Endelig ses der også et eksempel på en forståelse af information som følelsesmæssige fortolkninger.

With a starting point in rhetorical genre theory the author investigates in this article how different editors of the Illustrated News understood information and how these different understandings were expressed in the magazine. The Illustrated News was a Danish equivalent to e.g. the Illustrated London News and appeared between 1859-1924 – a period that witnessed many changes in the media landscape in Denmark. The first editors invoked an understanding of a maelstrom of news and events that left readers lacking a broad view of the daily news. The advantage of the weekly magazine according to the formulation of the editors was to construct a comprehensive view. With this a perceived need for information was created: that it was possible to make give an overview over the rapidly changing news and events by communicating information and by using illustrations. Inspired by rhetorical genre theory the author analyses genres as the emergent genre of the pictorial coverage and how political information was shaped by different genres as the list and the short story. The article presents ruptures between an understanding of information as neutral facts, an understanding of information as expressing personal opinions and an understanding of information as emotional interpretations.
TidsskriftTEMP - tidsskrift for historie
Udgave nummer14
Sider (fra-til)112-126
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2017


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet - Illustreret Tidende, Informationshistorie, retorisk genreteori, informationssamfund

ID: 174466775