19. marts 2013

The project Cross media production and communication received DKK 300.000

Kjetil Sandvik received DKK 300.000 together with Ditte Laursen (Danish State and University Library) from the Danish Ministry of Culture for the project “Cross media production and communication: Interplay between real-time internet and live television in Voice”
The aim of this project is to investigate the interplay between television and the internet in an innovative media production, in order to create knowledge about cross media productions and forms of communication, and to develop methods for the collection of data. In particular, we will focus on the ‘here-and-now’ (live) interplay between internet and television-broadcasts, increasingly seen in new entertainment programme formats. This aim will be realised through a theory-driven empirical investigation based on the final of the talent programme Voice (Tv2 and tv2.dk). The final consists of two television-broadcasts and ‘live’ (streamed) internet before, between and after the two broadcasts, as well as during the broadcasts. In empirical terms, we will investigate how the transition from live internet to television and back again is produced as a continuous communication sequence, including how this sequence is transformed in the transit and adapted to the two different media’s affordances. In theoretical terms, we will conceptualise the particular form of cross media communication that arises when a product in one media is translated and incorporated into another media, and when different media play different roles within a collective media expression, together and in real-time. Finally, we will develop a method for the archiving of live internet material, which subsequently can be used by netarchive.dk for the benefit of other researchers.