A European Superman

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Lars Konzack - Oplægsholder

In 1990, a time still immensely influenced by the Cold War, the Danish comic book company Interpresse under license from DC Comics published the one and to this date, only Superman comic produced outside USA . The result was a graphic novel Superman og Fredsbomben (Superman and the Peace Bomb) written by Niels Søndergaard and visual art by Teddy Kristiansen heavily inspired by the artwork from The Dark Knight Returns (1986) by Frank Miller. The graphic novel had a different take on the Man of Steel. In the graphic novel, Superman visits five European Capitals (Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, and Helsinki) and meet local superheroes like The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen and the Ice Virgin of Norway. It is a gaze into Cold War dilemmas and how America, personified by Superman, is at the same time perceived as a protector of Western democracies and as exponent of American cultural imperialism.
6 dec. 2018

Begivenhed (Konference)

TitelSuperheroes Beyond
Grad af anerkendelseInternational begivenhed


  • superhelte

ID: 209835123