Stig Hjarvard
Institut for Kommunikation
Karen Blixens Plads 8
2300 København S
ORCID: 0000-0001-9194-6085
1994 Ph.D. in Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
1988 Mag. Art. in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
1983 BA in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
1988 Mag. Art. in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
1983 BA in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
2002- Professor (‘kaldet’) i Medievidenskab ved Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet
2002 Professor i journalistik, Institut for Kommunikation, RUC
1995-01 Lektor ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
1993-94 Assistant Research Professor (‘forskningsadjunkt’) at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
1989-1992 Doctoral Student and Research Fellow at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen.
1988 Teaching Assistent at Department of Nordic Languages, University of Copenhagen.
2002 Professor i journalistik, Institut for Kommunikation, RUC
1995-01 Lektor ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
1993-94 Assistant Research Professor (‘forskningsadjunkt’) at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
1989-1992 Doctoral Student and Research Fellow at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen.
1988 Teaching Assistent at Department of Nordic Languages, University of Copenhagen.
2011-15 Viceinstitutleder ved Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet
2001-09 Medlem af Fakultetsrådet (senere Akademisk Råd) ved det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
2002-05 Leder af den Nationale Forskerskole i Film, Medier, Kommunikation og Journalistik (FMKJ)
2002-03 Medlem af Erhvervsforskerudvalget, Ministeriet for Forskning og Innovation
1996-1998 Institutleder ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
2001-09 Medlem af Fakultetsrådet (senere Akademisk Råd) ved det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
2002-05 Leder af den Nationale Forskerskole i Film, Medier, Kommunikation og Journalistik (FMKJ)
2002-03 Medlem af Erhvervsforskerudvalget, Ministeriet for Forskning og Innovation
1996-1998 Institutleder ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
1995-1998 Coordinator of international student exchanges (Erasmus/Socrates), Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
Forskningsprojekter og øvrige aktiviteter
2016-2019 Professor II at University of Bergen in the comparative research project The Immigration Issue in Scandinavian public spheres 1970-2015 (SCANPUB)
2015-17 Danish coordinator of the Scandinavian research project Engaging with Conflicts in Mediatized Religious Environments (CoMRel)
2011-2015 Head of FKK financed research program “The Mediatization of Culture: The Challenge of New Media”
2007-2010 Head of FKK financed research program “Newspapers and Journalism in Transition”
2009- National coordinator of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network in Journalism Studies” (together with Mark Ørsten, RUC)
2008- Head of research division Media, Culture and Society at NordMedia, the Nordic bi-annual Conference on Media and Communication Research.
2010 Bonnier Guest Professor at Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Stockholm
2006-08 Head of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network on the Mediatization of Religion and Culture”
2006-09 Member of the price committee for Tietgenprisen
2005- Head of research priority area The Mediatization of Culture at Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.
2005 Guest professor at University of Otago, New Zealand
2002-06 Partipant in the cross-disciplinary research program Media and Democracy in the Network Soceity, MODINET
2001- Member of editorial board of international journal Northern Lights (Intellect Press), since 2009 chief editor
2001-06 Editor and coordinator of the SHF funded research program The History of Danish Television
2001 Guest Professor at University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies
2000-04 Participant in the European research project Changing Media - Changing Europe funded by European Science Foundation (ESF)
1999-2001 Head of SHF funded research program Global Media Cultures
1996- Consultancy work for various publishers e.g. Edward Arnold, Routledge, Samfundslitteratur etc.
1995-1996 Consultant for the Media Committee, Prime Minister’s office
1994-1996 and 1999-2004 Member of editorial board of journal MedieKultur
1993-97 Initiator and head of Nordic Research Network on the Sociology and Aesthetics of News
1992-1996 Member of the excutive committee of the National Association of Media Researchers in Denmark, SMID, including vice-chair
2007-2010 Head of FKK financed research program “Newspapers and Journalism in Transition”
2009- National coordinator of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network in Journalism Studies” (together with Mark Ørsten, RUC)
2008- Head of research division Media, Culture and Society at NordMedia, the Nordic bi-annual Conference on Media and Communication Research.
2010 Bonnier Guest Professor at Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Stockholm
2006-08 Head of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network on the Mediatization of Religion and Culture”
2006-09 Member of the price committee for Tietgenprisen
2005- Head of research priority area The Mediatization of Culture at Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.
2005 Guest professor at University of Otago, New Zealand
2002-06 Partipant in the cross-disciplinary research program Media and Democracy in the Network Soceity, MODINET
2001- Member of editorial board of international journal Northern Lights (Intellect Press), since 2009 chief editor
2001-06 Editor and coordinator of the SHF funded research program The History of Danish Television
2001 Guest Professor at University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies
2000-04 Participant in the European research project Changing Media - Changing Europe funded by European Science Foundation (ESF)
1999-2001 Head of SHF funded research program Global Media Cultures
1996- Consultancy work for various publishers e.g. Edward Arnold, Routledge, Samfundslitteratur etc.
1995-1996 Consultant for the Media Committee, Prime Minister’s office
1994-1996 and 1999-2004 Member of editorial board of journal MedieKultur
1993-97 Initiator and head of Nordic Research Network on the Sociology and Aesthetics of News
1992-1996 Member of the excutive committee of the National Association of Media Researchers in Denmark, SMID, including vice-chair
ID: 11746
Flest downloads
Mediatization: Theorizing the Interplay Between Media, Culture, and Society
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