Stig Hjarvard

Stig Hjarvard



1994 Ph.D. in Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
1988 Mag. Art. in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
1983 BA in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen


2002- Professor (‘kaldet’) i Medievidenskab ved Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet
2002 Professor i journalistik, Institut for Kommunikation, RUC
1995-01 Lektor ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
1993-94 Assistant Research Professor (‘forskningsadjunkt’) at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen
1989-1992 Doctoral Student and Research Fellow at Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen.
1988 Teaching Assistent at Department of Nordic Languages, University of Copenhagen.


2011-15 Viceinstitutleder ved Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet 
2001-09 Medlem af Fakultetsrådet (senere Akademisk Råd) ved det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
2002-05 Leder af den Nationale Forskerskole i Film, Medier, Kommunikation og Journalistik (FMKJ)
2002-03 Medlem af Erhvervsforskerudvalget, Ministeriet for Forskning og Innovation
1996-1998 Institutleder ved Institut for Film- og Medievidenskab, Københavns Universitet
1995-1998 Coordinator of international student exchanges (Erasmus/Socrates), Department of Film and Media Studies, University of Copenhagen

Forskningsprojekter og øvrige aktiviteter

2016-2019 Professor II at University of Bergen in the comparative research project The Immigration Issue in Scandinavian public spheres 1970-2015 (SCANPUB)
2015-17 Danish coordinator of the Scandinavian research project Engaging with Conflicts in Mediatized Religious Environments (CoMRel)
2011-2015 Head of FKK financed research program “The Mediatization of Culture: The Challenge of New Media”
2007-2010 Head of FKK financed research program “Newspapers and Journalism in Transition”
2009- National coordinator of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network in Journalism Studies” (together with Mark Ørsten, RUC)
2008- Head of research division Media, Culture and Society at NordMedia, the Nordic bi-annual Conference on Media and Communication Research.
2010 Bonnier Guest Professor at Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Stockholm
2006-08 Head of NordForsk financed “Nordic Research Network on the Mediatization of Religion and Culture”
2006-09 Member of the price committee for Tietgenprisen
2005- Head of research priority area The Mediatization of Culture at Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.
2005 Guest professor at University of Otago, New Zealand
2002-06 Partipant in the cross-disciplinary research program Media and Democracy in the Network Soceity, MODINET
2001- Member of editorial board of international journal Northern Lights (Intellect Press), since 2009 chief editor
2001-06 Editor and coordinator of the SHF funded research program The History of Danish Television
2001 Guest Professor at University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies
2000-04 Participant in the European research project Changing Media - Changing Europe funded by European Science Foundation (ESF)
1999-2001 Head of SHF funded research program Global Media Cultures
1996- Consultancy work for various publishers e.g. Edward Arnold, Routledge, Samfundslitteratur etc.
1995-1996 Consultant for the Media Committee, Prime Minister’s office
1994-1996 and 1999-2004 Member of editorial board of journal MedieKultur
1993-97 Initiator and head of Nordic Research Network on the Sociology and Aesthetics of News
1992-1996 Member of the excutive committee of the National Association of Media Researchers in Denmark, SMID, including vice-chair

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