Critical Emotions: Cultural Criticism as an Intrinsically Emotional Type of Journalism

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This article engages with a part of journalism that has long been emotional but gained less scholarly attention in recent debates about journalism and emotion—cultural criticism and reviewing. The article argues that although emotions are not new to cultural reviewing, emotionality and a subjective style have become more important in recent decades due to media technological changes and changes in the organisation of news work. Taking its empirical point of departure in a qualitative content analysis of reviews by and an interview with Danish film critic Christian Monggaard, active since the late 1990s, the article shows that emotionality has long been part of his critical and stylistic approach but that emotional subjectivity—and personality—have become more visible over time in his work. The article contextualises the empirical study in research about aesthetic emotions, the subjectivity/objectivity nexus of cultural criticism and the changing institutional, technological and professional circumstances for the production of cultural criticism in the news media.

TidsskriftJournalism Studies
Udgave nummer12
Sider (fra-til)1590-1607
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

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