From collections to connections in LAMs: Do theories meet practice?

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  • Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska
  • Kann-Rasmussen, Nanna
  • Magdalena Paul
  • Gabriela Manista
  • Dorota Pietrzkiewicz
  • Dorota Grabowska
Libraries, archives and museums are primarily seen as institutions that preserve and promote collections. However, ongoing social changes are causing them to increasingly focus on their social partners and the relationships that can be established with them. The evolving nature of these institutions’ priorities raises questions about how they are adapting to this shift and its impact on their operations. The objective of this research is to contribute to the conceptualization of the paradigm shift through verification of how selected social and cultural theories of social relations are reflected in the activities of libraries, archives and museums, as well as their connections with various partners. A content analysis of articles from three journals indicates that the relation-centric theories studied, and the concepts presented therein, are taken into account by their authors, albeit to varying degrees. The relationships of libraries, archives and museums primarily concern local communities and special user groups, but also involve other legal or individual entities, as well as the professional community.
TidsskriftIFLA Journal
Antal sider14
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2024

ID: 392977883