A Conversationalist Approach to Information Quality in Information Interaction and Retrieval

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  • 2210.07296

    Forlagets udgivne version, 151 KB, PDF-dokument

Rather than using (proxies of) end user or expert judgment to decide on the ranking of information, this paper asks whether conversations about information quality might offer a feasible and valuable addition for ranking information. We introduce a theoretical framework for information quality, outlining how information interaction should be perceived as a conversation and quality be evaluated as a conversational contribution. Next, an overview is given of different systems of social alignment and their value for assessing quality and ranking information. We propose that a collaborative approach to quality assessment is preferable and raise key questions about the feasibility and value of such an approach for ranking information. We conclude that information quality is an inherently interactive concept, which involves an interaction between users of different backgrounds and in different situations as well as of quality signals on users' search behavior and experience.
Publikationsdato13 okt. 2023
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 13 okt. 2023
BegivenhedACM CHIIR workshop on Information Quality in Information Interaction and Retrieval: Workshop at ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval - Regensburg, Tyskland
Varighed: 14 mar. 202214 mar. 2022


WorkshopACM CHIIR workshop on Information Quality in Information Interaction and Retrieval

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