Editorial: AI and the Conditions of Design: Towards A New Set of Design Ideals

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  • Elisa Giaccardi
  • Chris Speed
  • Johan Redström
  • Somaya Ben Allouch
  • Shklovski, Irina
  • Rachel Charlotte Smith
The five papers in the DRS 2022 track “AI and the Conditions of Design: Towards A New Set of Design Ideals” offer radical lenses to change the narrative around AI and open pathways towards pluralist digital futures, signaling redirections for experimenting with more inclusive and imaginative design practices.
TitelDRS Conference Proceedings . 2022: Bilbao
RedaktørerD Lockton, S Lenzi, P Hekkert, A Oak, J Sádaba, P Lloyd
Antal sider7
ForlagDesign Research Society (DRS)
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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