Gender research in academia: a closer look at variables.

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Gender-as-variable is used in many areas of research, but often in the evaluation of academic achievements and research performance. A large portion of this literature examines gender representation in STEM (i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering & Medicine); however, there is evidence of gender disparities in the social sciences as well. In fact, no academic field is fully exempt from issues regarding gender, since it is a complex and significant part of the human condition. In this chapter, gender is therefore examined according to the work of scholars from various academic contexts. Our thematic focus is on research variables: those that are typically used for measurement compared to those that are phenomenological (i.e., experienced or perceived). When it comes to gender inequality in academia, there is more to know than what can be measured.
TitelHandbook on Research Assessment in the Social Sciences
RedaktørerTim C. E. Engels, Emanuel Kulczycki
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Publikationsdatoapr. 2022
ISBN (Trykt)9781800372542
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2022

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