Looking at information behaviour from a transitional perspective

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt


We are living in an era of rapid change in which people are constantly dealing with transitions in their everyday life. The workshop will provide a platform for the exploration of information behaviour from a transitional perspective and will lay the groundwork for the creation of a research network on the topic. The workshop will aim to establish an emerging conceptualisation of what transition means in the field of information behaviour, examining different transition theoretical models, using participatory tools. During the workshop, participants will explore and discuss their own transitional experiences working towards creating a shared matrix of transition.
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2022
BegivenhedInformation seeking in context 2022, Berlin - Humboldt University, Berlin, Tyskland
Varighed: 26 sep. 202229 sep. 2022


KonferenceInformation seeking in context 2022, Berlin
LokationHumboldt University

Bibliografisk note

The paper presents the content and form of a workshop addressing important questions in relation information behaviour from a transitional perspective.

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