Automated Decision-Making: Towards a People-Centred Approach

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Recently, automated decision-making (ADM) has been increasingly introduced in for example, the public sector potentially ensuring efficiency and more just decision-making. The increasing use of ADM has been reflected by a growing interest by scholarly research. While initially mainly researchers within law and computer sciences engaged with ADM, there has also been a growing engagement by social science and humanities-oriented researchers. This article
traces the emergence and evolution of ADM research beyond computer sciences and engineering with a specific focus on social sciences and humanities by identifying central concerns and methods while outlining a stable baseline for future research. Based on a systematic mapping of publications, we outline the contours of ADM as an area of research engaging with an emerging empirical phenomenon.
Drawing on findings from the mapping, we discuss ways ahead for ADM research as part of the subfield of digital sociology and suggest that sociological media and communication studies have a crucial role to play in developing
future research avenues. Drawing on advances made in audience research, we suggest a radically contextualized and people-centered approach to ADM. Such an approach would help to develop ADM and ground it alongside people's diver-
gent capabilities and contextual arrangements.
TidsskriftSociology Compass
Udgave nummer8
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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