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This article introduces the field of terminology, which often considers the Austrian engineer Eugen Wüster as its founder in the 1930s, although important principles go back in time, in particular to 18th and 19th century botanists, zoologists and chemists. The contributions of Wüster are presented, as well as the alternative theories, with their criticism of Wüster's position, which came to influence the field after 1990. The article further suggests that domain-analytic studies based on epistemological studies of knowledge domains seems to have been overlooked. The relations between terminology and knowledge organization are addressed, and a closer cooperation between the two fields is called for.
TidsskriftKnowledge Organization
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)111-127
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Online artikel publiceret; accepteret, in print, for Knowledge Organization

ID: 326689870