Eva Iris Otto

Eva Iris Otto


  1. 2024
  2. Udgivet

    Who makes open source code? The hybridisation of commercial and open source practices

    Mehler, P., Otto, Eva Iris & Sapienza, Anna, dec. 2024, I: EPJ Data Science. 13, 1, 35.

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  3. Udgivet
  4. 2023
  5. Udgivet

    How app companies use GitHub: on modes of valuation in the digital attention economy

    Otto, Eva Iris, Salka, J. H. & Blok, Anders, 2023, I: Journal of Cultural Economy. 16, 2, s. 242-259 18 s.

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  6. 2022
  7. Udgivet

    The sociology of rationing: Towards increased interdisciplinary dialogue - A critical interpretive literature review

    Martinus Hauge, A., Otto, Eva Iris & Wadmann, S., 2022, I: Sociology of Health and Illness. 44, 8, s. 1287-1304

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  8. 2021
  9. Udgivet

    A View from Anthropology: Should Anthropologists Fear the Data Machines?

    Albris, Kristoffer Langkjær, Otto, Eva Iris, Astrupgaard, S. L., Gregersen, E. M., Jørgensen, L. S., Jørgensen, O. N., Sandbye, C. R. & Schønning, S., 2021, I: Big Data & Society. 8, 2, s. 1-7

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