Methods for evaluating information sources: An annotated catalogue

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The article briefly presents and discusses 12 different approaches to the evaluation of information sources (for example a Wikipedia
entry or a journal article): (1) the checklist approach; (2) classical peer review; (3) modified peer review; (4) evaluation based on examining
the coverage of controversial views; (5) evidence-based evaluation; (6) comparative studies; (7) author credentials; (8) publisher
reputation; (9) journal impact factor; (10) sponsoring: tracing the influence of economic, political, and ideological interests; (11) book
reviews and book reviewing; and (12) broader criteria. Reading a text is often not a simple process. All the methods discussed here are
steps on the way on learning how to read, understand, and criticize texts. According to hermeneutics it involves the subjectivity of the
reader, and that subjectivity is influenced, more or less, by different theoretical perspectives. Good, scholarly reading is to be aware of
different perspectives, and to situate oneself among them.
TidsskriftJournal of Information Science
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)258-268
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 12 jun. 2012

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