Kultur 14.01.2025 Adjunkt udpeget til Radio- og tv-nævnet Tenure-track adjunkt Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen er blandt andre udpeget til at sidde i Radio- og…
14.11.2024 Sektionsmedlem Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen i nyt interview om indhold på streamingplatforme Selv om en stor del af danskernes medieforbrug i dag foregår på streamingplatforme, interesserer…
Pris 06.05.2024 Stig Hjarvard tildeles SMID-prisen 2024 Ved Sammenslutningen af Medieforskere i Danmarks årsmøde 2. maj 2024 fik Professor Stig Hjarvard fr…
Podcast 25.01.2024 Research on cultural journalism in the science podcast Professor of media studies, Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, talks about her research on cultural…
Podcast 25.01.2024 Kulturjournalistik skaber fælles mening Hør professor i medievidenskab Nete Nørgaard Kristensen fortælle om sin forskning i…
Medieforskning 23.11.2023 Skandaleforskning på KOMM I forskningsprojektet ”EXPOSING: The Public Value of Socio-Mediated Scandals in the Digital Age”…
31.10.2023 Mediatization theory in Japanese Professor Stig Hjarvard’s book ”The Mediatization of Culture and Society” has just been published b…
07.09.2023 Nete Nørgaard Kristensen fejrer Uniavisens 50-års fødselsdag med en kronik i Politiken Nete Nørgaard Kristensen fra Sektion for Medievidenskab og Søren Eilers fra Institut for Matematisk…
11.08.2023 International award for Professor Stig Hjarvard The International Society for Media, Religion and Culture (ISMRC) has given the ”Stewart M. Hoover…
20.03.2023 Student Podcast about Scandals The podcast was produced by August Valdemar Lavtsen, Mads Hjort, and Theis Mitchell. In…
15.03.2023 New video podcast on nostalgia in populism with Manuel Menke The publisher Cogitatio Press has launched a new video podcast in which authors talk about an…
03.03.2023 Digital Memory and Populism New special issue guest-edited by Manuel Menke and Berber Hagedoorn The open-access special section…
15.12.2022 Poster session in Film and Media Poster session in Film and Media: Master students present their empirical projects on socio-mediate…
09.12.2022 Kolleger fra KOMM samarbejder i seneste nummer af Literary Jounalism Studies Nete Nørgaard Kristensen og Christine Isager har to artikler i Literary Journalism Studies.
02.12.2022 New book: Social Media Images and Conflicts The volume Social Media Images and Conflicts edited by Mette Mortensen and Ally McCrow-Young has…
18.11.2022 Anne Jerslev awarded the SMID prize 2022 Congratulations to Professor Anne Jerslev from the Section of Media Studies for being awarded the…
02.09.2022 Section of Media Studies was represented at this year’s DHL by Team Media Studies! Section of Media Studies was represented at this year’s DHL by Team Media Studies!
12.08.2022 New article by Eva Myrczik and Nete Nørgaard Kristensen with Finnish colleagues Riie Heikkilä and Semi Purhonen New article by Eva Myrczik and Nete Nørgaard Kristensen with Finnish colleagues Riie Heikkilä and…
01.08.2022 Welcome to our new colleagues: Kasper Bering Liisberg and Freja Berg Welcome to our new colleagues: studieadjunkt in media production Kasper Bering Liisberg and researc…
24.01.2022 Nye sektionsmedlemmer Velkommen til Nina Svendsen, Josephine Lehaff og Marta Karolina Olsen.
20.12.2021 New issue by Mette Mortensen and Christina Neumayer: “The Playful Politics of Memes” Mette Mortensen and Christina Neumayer have co-edited a special issue on “The Playful Politics of…
14.12.2021 Masters students in film and media present their empirical studies in a poster session After a semester of hard empirical work, the Master's students in the seminar “Research Design an…
07.12.2021 Interview - ECREA Temporary Working Group Interview about new ECREA Temporary Working Group “Affect, Emotion & Media” with Section member…
05.07.2021 Sektion for medievidenskab får to nye kolleger Den 1. august 2021 byder sektion for medievidenskab velkommen til to nye tenure track adjunkter i…
06.04.2021 Section members Ally McCrow-Young and Mette Mortensen publish a new research article ‘Countering spectacles of fear: Anonymous’ meme ‘war’ against ISIS’ in the European Journal of…
01.01.2021 New book: Rethinking Cultural Criticism: New Voices in the Digital Age Nete Nørgaard Kristensen and co-editors Unni From (University of Aarhus) and Helle Kannik Haastrup…
New publication 02.10.2020 New publication in International Journal of Cultural Policy by Nete Nørgaard Kristensen and Marc Verboord EU cultural policy and audience perspectives: how cultural value orientations are related to media…
Nordic Journal of Media Studies 23.06.2020 Is there a particular ”Nordicness”? The 2020 volume of Nordic Journal of Media Studies addresses the very title of the journal. Is ther…